Hill Masatrigo - Spain Hill Masatrigo - conical hill located in the province of Badajoz (Extremadura Autonomous Region) in western Spain. Geographically Hill Masatrigo also located in the area (or comarca, as they are called in Spain) La Siberia. Earth La Siberia are very diverse in nature. In the southern mountains begin Sierra Morena, which is probably responsible for the formation of Hill Masatrigo. Two large Rivers - Guadiana and Zuzhar - form is the so-called broad poluravniny. Local residents have built several dams on the rivers, forming a series of reservoirs. The hill is located on the reservoir of La Serena, the largest in Spain and the second largest in Europe. La Serena holds 6% of water throughout the country. In addition, the reservoirs of the shoreline in the vicinity of La Siberia has become more than in any other region of Spain. In summer it is willing to leisure travelers and residents of nearby towns. Because of their similar volcanic form Masatrigo often confused with the extinct.
Vaux's Swifts at Chapman School "Vaux's Swifts, small insect-eating birds sometimes described as "cigars with wings", migrate south en-mass each year, roosting as they travel in hollowed trees and industrial chimneys. Since the mid 1990s, the Swifts have roosted each September in the chimney of Chapman School in NW Portland, Oregon. Each year hundreds of onlookers gather on the lawn of Chapman school, from about an hour before sunset to about a half hour after, to watch the Swifts gather, organize, perform aerial maneuvers, and finally funnel in a black fluttering cloud into the chimney to roost.
Gagri, Abkhazia The lost Soviet paradise where in the sub-tropical forests of what now is called Abkhazia the old Russian resort Gagri stands, mostly abandoned now. It’s pretty short time needed for the nature to recover and take over what man has created. It’s been said that fifty years is enough so that most of the abandoned structures can’t be spotted from the airplane. It has passed almost twenty years already.
Tom For most of his life Tom Every was a professional destroyer. Tom worked in Wisconsin as an industrial wrecker, thrashing old factories, breweries and any other building that stood in the way. But when he retired in 1983 he decided he would dedicate his life the rest of his life to being a creator. Dr. Evermore, to be exact. Dr. Evermore is imagined by Every as a Victorian inventor from Eggington, England, with a back story involving a Presbyterian minister as a father and a traumatizing lightning storm. Dr. Evermore manifests his creativity in the Forevertron, a massive sprawling sculpture park in rural Wisconsin, one that Every or "Dr. Evermore" says will send him "into the heavens on a magnetic lightning force beam." Every has also put his sculptural skills to use at the nearby wonder the House on the Rock. Made from industrial scrap, the sculpture park includes a decontamination chamber from NASA's Apollo project, dynamos built by Thomas Edison, and scrap metal salvaged from an Army Ammunition Plant."
It probably started small. Maybe a gopher dug a burrow, or perhaps the foot of a donkey broke through the ground. However, over the years, rain and gravity have grown that small hole in the roof of a sea cave on the coastline of Mexico, to enormous proportions. The hole, which is surrounded by a rope-fence presumably to keep people from accidentally falling in, is roughly 200 feet across and 80 feet deep. Known as La Lobera the hole looks down into a sort of underground beach, (though at sea level the beach is beneath the roof of the cave) which has now been populated by sea lions the seem to enjoy laying in the shade of La Lobera very much indeed.
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